St. Jacobs Printery

St. Jacobs Printery was founded by John Theodore Schmidt in 1903. Despite a 1917 press accident which left him blind, Schmidt continued printing for local churches, village businesses and farmers seeking butter wrappers. Son Egbert took over the business after Theo's death in 1948 and in 1951, the Printery was moved across the road from the original building site, where it remains today.

The seventies, eighties and nineties saw major changes in technology in the printing industry. Under the keen direction of Martin Metzger, Eugen Kohlmetz and Ronald Schmidt who joined Egbert Schmidt, the Printery embraced this technology and flourished. The four incorporated the company in 1972. 

In 2001 two long-term employees, Keith Kuepfer and Mark Brubacher purchased the company. They continue the same philosophy as their predecessors; run an efficient operation and keep up with new trends and technologies.

The Printery has received many awards over the years, most recently The Record’s Readers Choice Award. We are proud of our community and continue to support many local initiatives and organizations.

Street address:
1145 Printery Road, St. Jacobs, Ontario N0B 2N0


519 664 2263


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